
Kansainvälisestä vaikuttamisesta kiinnostunut nuori, hae nyt nuorisodelegaatiksi edustamaan EU:n nuoria YK:ssa

Uutiset 16.5.2023

Euroopan unioni etsii kahta YK-nuorisodelegaattia syyskuusta 2023 alkavalle vuoden pituiselle kaudelle. Allianssi saa Suomen kansallisena nuorisokomiteana nimetä yhden ehdokkaan tehtävään. Haku Suomen kandidaatiksi päättyy 25.5. klo 23.59.

EU@UN-nuorisodelegaattien tehtävänä on tukea EU-jäsenmaiden YK-nuorisodelegaatteja toimintansa koordinoimisessa ja tuoda nuorten ääntä YK:n päätöksentekoon. 

Lue englanninkielinen hakukuulutus alta ja hae Allianssin nimitystä linkin kautta 25.5.2023 klo 23.59 mennessä. Hakemukseen tarvitset englanninkielisen CV:n ja maksimissaan yhden sivun mittaisen motivaatiokirjeen. Hakulomake: https://www.lyyti.in/EU-UN2324

Suomen ehdokkaan valinta EU@UN-nuorisodelegaatiksi tehdään kirjallisten hakemusten perusteella. Ilmoitamme kaikille hakijoille valinnasta 26.5.2023 aikana. 


European Union – United Nations Youth Delegates 2023 – 2024

The UN Youth Delegate programme 

The UN Youth Delegate programme aims at enhancing the participation of young people in the work of the United Nations. Each participating Member State or Observer selects one or several young persons to attend intergovernmental meetings as their representative. The selection processes, mandates and responsibilities of youth delegates are determined by each partner. Twenty-four EU Member States currently participate in the programme. 

The purpose of EU @ UN Youth Delegates 

The participation of the EU in the UN Youth Delegate programme allows the EU to be present in relevant Youth dialogues at the UN, to advocate for the interests and rights of young people in Europe and to increase the representation and geographic coverage of the EU’s youth. Following a successful pilot year, the EU is delighted to continue the EU – UN Youth Delegate programme for a second year, in cooperation with EU Member States’ National Youth Councils. The EU Delegation will build upon the lessons learned to continue to shape and improve the programme.


Two EU – UN Youth Delegates will be selected each year to participate in the programme. The EU – UN Youth Delegates’ mandate will include, inter alia: 

  • Participate on behalf of the EU Delegation in relevant discussions, including on youth affairs and other matters as appropriate, in the General Assembly and its committees and the functional commissions of the Economic and Social Council. 
  • Ensure close coordination and information sharing with EU Member States’ Youth Delegates, including through the organization of regular coordination meetings with EU Member States’ Youth Delegates, with the support of the EU Delegation. 
  • Provide input to members of the EU Delegation to ensure that a youth perspective is reflected across the three pillars of the UN (sustainable development, human rights, peace and security) and in all strands of work. 
  • Liaise with and report back to National Youth Councils and organisations at the EU and EU Member States’ level, as well as the EU Youth Sounding Board, to ensure that their voices are reflected and that they are aware of important discussions at the UN which touch on subjects of interest for European youth.

The programme will begin in September 2023 for a duration of 12 months. It will be managed jointly between the EU Delegation in New York and INTPA in Brussels. 

The EU – UN Youth Delegates will be expected to travel to New York up to three times a year, for instance during the Third Committee of the General Assembly, the Commission on Social Development, the Commission on the Status of Women, the ECOSOC Youth Forum and the High Level Political Forum. They will be embedded in the EU Delegation, will participate in EU coordination meetings and other relevant meetings as appropriate including some at ambassadorial level. They will attend and organise events and negotiations to promote a youth perspective across a range of files. 

They will notably be expected to prepare and deliver statements at the Third Committee debate on social development. Visits to Brussels, including meeting with the United Nations Working Party (CONUN) of the EU Council, might also be organised. Delegates are expected to engage for approximately 40 days per year (including travel to New York). All visits and activities will be defined in coordination with the Youth Delegates and according to their availability and priorities. 

EU – UN Youth Delegates will have access to tailored trainings and meetings with EU officials in preparation of their mandate and will be responsible to consult and inform National Youth Councils and relevant youth organisations in the EU as well EU Member States Youth delegates. Close coordination will also be sought with the EU’s Youth Sounding Board.


The selection process will be managed by the EU Delegation in New York. National Youth Councils are invited to submit one candidate each to serve for a year as EU – UN Youth Delegate to the UN. Candidates should respond to the following criteria: 

  • Be a citizen of an EU Member State
  • Be under the age of 30 at the time of application
  • Be able and willing to devote up to approximately 40 days per year and energy to advocacy and actions for youth rights
  • Demonstrate an interest in international relations, political science, law, human rights, international development, public health, climate or any other field related to UN activities.
  • Be motivated and/or have experience in and knowledge of youth advocacy and organisations and movements, and have a vision for youth’s participation at the EU and UN levels,
  • Be available to travel to New York up to three times a year, as well as to Brussels, 
  • Have functional knowledge of written and spoken English. 

The European Union is committed to the principle of non-discrimination. Applications from European youth of various backgrounds are encouraged. Respect for gender equality, balance in regional representation and diversity will be key criteria in this regard. 

The application will consist in a CV and short motivation letter (no more than one page) outlining the candidates’ relevant experience, their motivation and how they will contribute to the EU – UN Youth Delegate Programme. 

The selection process will be conducted in two stages:  

  • First stage: all candidates will be informed of the outcome of the first stage (shortlist) of the application by 2 June 2023 and whether they have been shortlisted or not.  
  • Second stage: shortlisted candidates will be invited for interviews between 12 – 16 June 2023. 

Final results: all shortlisted candidates will be informed of the final results by 30 June 2023. 

Practical aspects 

The UN Youth Delegate programme is an extracurricular programme aimed at exposing young people to the work of the UN and at facilitating intergenerational dialogue. When travel is involved, the European Union covers all travel costs, including flights, accommodation, daily subsistence allowances and insurances. Visa requests are arranged by the EU Delegation. 


This is the second year of the EU – UN Youth Delegates programme. This is an innovative platform to strengthen youth participation in the EU’s external action and multilateral activities. The programme is increasing EU coordination and representation on youth issues and beyond at the UN, in line with the Lisbon Treaty. It will contribute to the implementation of the EU Youth Strategy 2019-2027, the EU Council Conclusions on Youth in external action of 2020 and the Youth Action Plan in EU External Action by supporting intergenerational and multicultural dialogue and ensuring the consultation and involvement of youth in policy decisions. As the programme continues to grow, it is the aim that a network of alumni will be established to build linkages among youth delegates over time.

Lisätietoja hausta

Laura Lamberg
Nuorten kansainvälisen osallisuuden asiantuntija
+358 44 493 9629

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